Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Jar of Change

Our children are all very excited about the whole adoption process, but it's been a bit hard for our youngest. One weekend recently, he and I were able to spend some time talking about it one on one. I was able to reassure him that he would still be able to have time alone with us and that we had enough love in our family to love this new little girl. The next night I was talking on the phone and something caught my eye on the floor. It was a quarter. As I rounded the corner I saw my little guy's "change" jar dumped on it's side, almost completely empty. Then, I opened the cabinet where we're collecting change for our adoption and it was filled to the top with his coins. It was such an unexpected surprise! He had just quietly given his approval to the idea of our family's adoption...what a gift from God. I'm so thankful to God for the ways that He works!

1 comment:

Daniel, Lauren, Emerson and Sullivan said...

We're so excited for you guys! Can't wait to read more of your adoption adventures:) I'll get baby pictures on my blog asap after tomorrow! Thanks for the prayers.
Daniel and Lauren