That is what I have called this 12 month process towards adopting our little daughter from Ethiopia. Actually it only took nine months, I just wrestled with God for three. Many have asked how K and I arrived at adopting our little girl. Along with how much does that cost? Wow you are doing what? Now, how old are you? Here are a few lessons that God taught me as we started walking on this Journey.
1. Somewhere in my life of raising three children, I was taught that the busy life I was living being a dad to three great kids ages 13,11, and 9, leading a church, living life with my family and friends would soon be over and that Real Life really begins at lets say for me 51 (Empty Nest). Adopting at my age a 2 ½ year old would push this back to let's say 58. All kids gone from the house at 18. Somewhere, I was taught that there is an age that you are too old to give life and then there is an age that Real Life for those who are too old to give life begins. God pushed me on this and I got in line with him and I am betting that my daughter will give me more life than any golf course or doing my selfish thing could ever provide.
2. Thoughts came to my mind like another mouth to feed. (Don’t mention that I could just eat less and share my food with this new mouth and I would benefit health wise by not eating so much) College to pay for, clothes to buy etc. Then the reality of what I was embarking on hit me. It was like God said D will you shut up and see the big picture, there is a little girl who has no home and you can provide for her with what you have now. She has no home!!! K and I were walking back from the orphanage with our daughter and she said, B has nothing to bring with her, all she has is what we brought for her. The clothes she was wearing at the orphanage, they stay for the next child. She has nothing to bring, yet now she has a home. Talk about a moment.