Last Saturday I was able to go out to breakfast with a very good friend and then head to the Christian bookstore. We were looking for Bible studies for the spring and found one entitled "Grace: An Invitation to a Way of Life" by John Ortberg. I eagerly began the study on Monday morning and was thrilled that God used it to speak to me about His tender care. The study is focused on Psalm 23..."The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul." At one point in the Bible study we were to paraphrase the scripture so that it meant the exact opposite...The Lord is not my shepherd - I shall be in want...he makes me lie down in barren places, he leads me beside turbulent waters, he distresses my soul. It was very difficult for me to write that. The point was to contrast the Truth of God being our Good Shepherd with the lie that He doesn't truly care for us. It made me soooo thankful that He does care for us and that I can place my complete trust in Him.
The Bible study also challenged me to begin the practice of notice something, to truly pay attention to it. It was a reminder for me to stop and notice God's gracious gifts to me everyday...being able to be home with my kids, taking a walk with my husband, picking daffodils with my toddler, a warm bed on a rainy night, the ability to read, being able to buy groceries...this list goes on and on. May you also be challenged to stop and notice God's very special gifts for you today!
"God...richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." I Timothy 6:17(b)