Last Sunday was Mother's Day and D. decided that he'd treat me to a family bike ride! I have always loved biking with D and the kids. When we were first married and living out in VA, D surprised me one day when I came home from teaching to say, "Let's go buy some bikes." My response was, "Why do I need a bike?" I'm so glad he persuaded me to follow his lead! We still have those same bikes after almost 20 years:) Anyway, back to Mother's Day...we took the kids to a bike trail that we haven't ridden on for about 6 years, so the kids have grown since then (and we've added the African princess!). The whole time I was just filled with a sense of awe and joy that God has given us these precious kids to care for. I kept looking at Bub's back as he rode next to D. and thinking, "He's looks almost like a man! Last time we were here he was 7!" We rode the bikes on the trail to this special park we used to visit...the Princess had fun on the was surreal seeing her enjoying the same things Sis and Buddy enjoyed so long the playground seemed tiny to them! The day just reminded me of all the good things and simple joys that God brings into our life daily. One of my prayers as I'm parenting has been from Psalm 90:12, that God would teach me to number my days aright, so that I could gain a heart of wisdom...that I would enjoy each "stage" of their childhood. He has been faithful to answer that prayer!
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
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